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    Providing advanced and comprehensive notification solutions for all environments including:
HP OpenView NNM, Cisco CiscoWorks, Novell, ZenWorks, CastleRock SNMPc, SNMP

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  • Center point for receiving and managing the dispersion of alerts.
  • Detailed Reports, e.g. What device had the most problems last week?
  • Detailed Scheduling of who, when, and how someone receives alerts.
  • Comprehensive filtering of alerts, e.g. by message content/name, device name, correlation of multiple alerts, etc...
  • Redundancies Reliability against message delivery failure
  • Database is SQL allowing you to use your favorite SQL reporting software.

The NotificationWorks is a collection of modules that provide network management notification and messaging solutions that can be added to an existing network management environment or be the environment. The collection of modules can perform network monitoring, notification / messaging via pager, e-mail, web, voice, response escalations, and reports, with astounding flexibility of control and scheduling . By using this modular solution, it provides folks with the available to pick and choose only those modules they need and thus, build their own network management solution that fits their needs. 

SNMP Trap Issue with Windows 7 & 2008 R2
Microsoft has released a hotfix that fixes not receiving SNMP traps on Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 systems. HotFix

PageManager Pro v2.5 Released
We have release our biggest PMPro update in years. PMPro v2.5 now uses Microsoft's SQL 2000 or later as it's main database. Here are some of the new features:

  • Alarm Log now supports multiple views at the same time with auto loading ability
  • Message length extended to 512 character length
  • Custom SQL reports using any SQL reporting tool
  • Correlation filter can now be assigned to the same alert name and use the message content
  • Database is now SQL
  • Can assign alerts right from the alert/alarm log 

Additional features that are still to come are:

  • Web Interface
  • Escalation Ability, alerts can be escalated and resent to multiple folks due to no response timeout

We designed the database interface to be able to use ANY SQL engine, so look for additional SQL engine support in the future. Click the link to Download NotificationWorks

New AlarmGen Pro now Supports Processing Alerts by EMail
You normally send alerts to our AlarmGen listener via the AlarmGen remote (agremote.exe) which then forwards the alerts on to PageManager Pro and/or Alarm Vocalizer. The new version now will process alerts received via any SMTP Email. This provides a way to tie those applications that sends out alerts using email only.

Check Out Some of the Great Customers who are using NotificationWorks
We have updated our customer list showing some of the great companies using our NotificationWorks: Some of our Customers